Tick tock goes the clock, and it's another year down. It's been a bit nuts hasn't it? Here's hoping 2009 brings some good stuff. The words HOPE and CHANGE floated around a lot towards the end of the year, mainly thanks to Obama's campaign; and the fact that he's the man in charge stateside certainly suggests some kind of cautious optimism is allowed. Fingers crossed - we reckon it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Meantime, we'd like to introduce you to our friend Lee, also known as Moog. He's been doing the Flickr 365 project for the past year (you take a picture a day for a whole year - technically it was 366 this year, what with the whole leap year thing) - and we're quietly blown away by his stuff.
Every day he's been putting together incredibly complicated self-portraits, getting busy with some mad photoshop skills. Particularly impressive when you find out that this isn't his day job (yet!). The four above are just a tiny glimpse of what he's been up to. Check out the full Moog 366 Flickr set.
And if that tickles your fancy, why not join the 2009 365 group?
Have a fantastic New Year's Eve, and we'll see you next year.